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1Plastic refining characteristics of several common rubber

Release:emykpehf View:1325

1: natural rubber and natural rubber more easy to obtain plasticity. The initial viscosity of low viscosity and low viscosity standard maleic rubber is generally not required to be refined. If other types of standard rubber Mooney viscosity is greater than 60, will still be plastication. Natural rubber mixing machine mixing, roller temperature is 30 DEG -40 DEG, time is about 15-20min. When the temperature reached 120 degrees Celsius, the time was about 3-5min. When the addition of plasticizer or plastic solution

2: natural rubber and natural rubber more easy to obtain plasticity. The initial viscosity of low viscosity and low viscosity standard maleic rubber is generally not required to be refined. If other types of standard rubber Mooney viscosity is greater than 60, will still be plastication. Natural rubber mixing machine mixing, roller temperature is 30 DEG -40 DEG, time is about 15-20min. When the temperature reached 120 degrees Celsius, the time was about 3-5min. When the addition of plasticizer or plastic solution

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